
November 13, 2024

HR Professionals Gather for Annual SUMMIT

Conference Reveals Ways to Break Down Barriers to Belonging in Recruitment/Hiring, Where to Look for Untapped Talent and More

June 2024

The Art of the Interview

Everyone has their own interview style and reflecting on your experience as a candidate is a good way to hone your interview skills. However, there are additional techniques experts recommend as effective ways to interview a candidate.

May 2024

Employee Dismissal: Before, During and After

If you’ve ever had to dismiss an employee, you know it’s one of the most dreaded responsibility for leaders.   The old saying, “This is going to hurt me more than it hurts you,” comes to mind because it is often filled with apprehension, anxiety, and guilt for even the toughest bosses.  But, you can make it easier on the employee and yourself if you’re well-prepared and have confidence in your decision.

April 2024

Risky Business: Addressing the Inherent Hazards of Working in Alcohol Industries

There are many common risks across various types of businesses, but the alcohol beverage industry faces unique risks that set us apart from others: production is dependent on Mother Nature, compliance across states, and various facets of the law are tricky (to say the least), and market fluctuations can hit the ag business hard—and it takes a few years for the vines to catch up.

March 1, 2024

Breaking Down Mental Health Barriers in the Workplace

Experts Share Tips on Getting Employee Buy-in on Mental Health Resources and Breaking Down Stigmas

February 28, 2023

Winery Recruiting Lifts Winejobs Index 4%’s Winery Job Index increased 4% in January versus a year earlier to 511, according to the latest index data. The modest increase reflected consistent seasonal demand at the beginning of the new year. Demand for vineyard workers was the largest and strongest component of the index, rising 74% to 1,071.